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Showing posts with the label ASP.Net

Web-API - RESTful Services on Microsoft .net for building Ubiquitous web world

It's been very interesting to note about the fantastic things happening in the world of web development. Finally, we got the solid framework for building RESTful services on Microsoft platform. Let's have a very  quick look at the basic detail. REST [Representation State Transfer Protocol]           A representation is a opaque string of bytes that is effectively manifestation of a resource. REST was never about pretty URLs. The whole point of the hypermedia is that client should not need to know how to construct these URLs in the first place. For your clients, they are just STRINGS.           Web-API can be used when you have clients which consumes data from server over HTTP. Now a days, lot of browser applications are rich clients with web server returns some static html and then may be it uses client side framework like jquery, backbonejs or knockoutjs and makes calls back to server to pull data to execute some client-side functionality. Web-API's role is not j

steps used for certificate request and configuring a web server for SSL (HTTPS)

These are the standard steps used for certificate request and configuring a web server for SSL (HTTPS) Request a certificate for a web server Before you can use SSL, you have to first install a certificate on your IIS web server. ·          In IIS, right-click on the site you want to secure ·          Select Properties ·          On the  Directory Security  tab, click  Server Certificate ·          Click Next and select  Create A New Certificate ·          Select  Prepare The Request Now, But Send It Later  and click Next ·          Type a name for the certificate and bit length, and then click Next. ·          Type your organizational name and organizational unit in the box provided and click Next. ·          Enter your Web server name and click Next. ·          In the next dialog box, provide some geographical information and click Next. ·          Enter the location and the name for the certification request, then click Next. ·          Verify the inf

load report failed error - with formatted crystal reports, iis6 and

Error:  load report failed This error troubled us a lot in reports deployment on 64bit server with IIS 6   and took at least 5 hours continuous focus to fix.  We tried to troubleshoot by giving all permissions to the iis user to application folder, application pool recycled,   server reboot and even compared all deployment files in the problem environment with the one in application working environment. But we are failed to fix. 

Implement Serverside ViewState

If you think your website is running slowly and you need to improve performance by 150% in short time . This may help you a lot. ASP.NET ViewState is a great mechanism that simplifies the life of ASP.NET developers. But, as everybody knows, the .NET Framework saves the ViewState data as a hidden field on your ASPX page. If your page has only a few controls, this is not a problem. But, if your page has some Panel s and/or some DataGrid s, with the technique demonstrated on this article, you could reduce dramatically the load time of the page.

Using IsInRole() with Forms Authentication

A Little background…. Page object provides User [ System.Security.Principal.IPrincipa l ] in order to access to the information about the current authenticated user. User is having following two important members. These members provide way to implement Role-based authorization programmatically. Identity [Property] [ System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal.Identity ] – This property provides important members like AuthenticationType, IsAuthenticated, Name. IsInRole [Method] [ System.Security.Principal . IPrincipa l ] – This method takes single parameter that is string value of Role for which to check the membership.

Differences between Object Serialization and Deserialization?

Serialization = putting the relevant state of the object into a streamable representation. That can mean converting it to a byte stream. This does not necessarily include copying every member variable into the stream. Deserialization = restoring an object from a serial representation and ensuring the invariants of the object. Deserialization can be thought of a separate constructor for the object.

The ASP.NET Page Life Cycle

When a page request is sent to the Web server, whether through a submission or location change, the page is run through a series of events during its creation and disposal. When we try to build ASP.NET pages and this execution cycle is not taken into account, we can cause a lot of headaches for ourselves. However, when used and manipulated correctly, a page's execution cycle can be an effective and powerful tool. Many developers are realizing that understanding what happens and when it happens is crucial to effectively writing ASP.NET pages or user controls. So let's examine in detail the ten events of an ASP.NET page, from creation to disposal. We will also see how to tap into these events to implant our own custom code. I'll set the stage with a simple submission form written in ASP.NET with C#. The page is loaded for the first time and has several server-side Web controls on it. When the Web server receives a request for the page, it will process our Web controls and w