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Showing posts with the label REST

Web-API - RESTful Services on Microsoft .net for building Ubiquitous web world

It's been very interesting to note about the fantastic things happening in the world of web development. Finally, we got the solid framework for building RESTful services on Microsoft platform. Let's have a very  quick look at the basic detail. REST [Representation State Transfer Protocol]           A representation is a opaque string of bytes that is effectively manifestation of a resource. REST was never about pretty URLs. The whole point of the hypermedia is that client should not need to know how to construct these URLs in the first place. For your clients, they are just STRINGS.           Web-API can be used when you have clients which consumes data from server over HTTP. Now a days, lot of browser applications are rich clients with web server returns some static html and then may be it uses client side framework like jquery, backbonejs or knockoutjs and makes calls back to server to pull data to execute some client-side functionality. Web-API's role is not j