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Showing posts with the label Automation

Web Functional Testing Automation using CasperJS and Nodejs

Background We are in era the of Web, Mobility and AI. Days are gone where we used to think Javascript is just for client side validation check before submitting web forms. Thanks to ECMAScript5 and above which advanced javascript language way forward. Many Enterprises across the world already building applications using lot of opensource Javascript technologies.  Automating the Testing of any web application is becoming challenging and critical for the business. Challenge is in terms of manage and maintain test hygiene throughout the application life cycle and overall product quality. The ideal behavior of any test automation is to be able to integrate as part of CI and CD  (Continuous Deployment)  build and be able to run without manual test run effort and publish test results with code coverage metrics. There are many different frameworks available in the market to solve automation problem. To name few:  CodedUI -  Browser based test automa...

Reboot WorkerRole using Azure Automation RUNBOOK

Problem:  Scheduling worker role can become a big pain when it comes to long running background tasks. This is because there are no scheduling options available for worker role (as on date of publishing this article) although there are some alternatives to sleep worker role for a while. We needed to automate the process re-executing worker role based on schedule typically every day interval.  We choose Webjobs as it has best scheduling options to execute back ground jobs. Although, we can interact with azure cloud management using azure management libraries and management certificate, it became hard to encrypt the sensitive information such as certificate string, subscription id etc,. Solution: We found Automation RunBooks are the way to go to solve this problem. As it has out-of the-box support to write powershell workflows to manage azure. Nice thing about Runbooks is that it has good scheduling options so that we can schedule workflow as a recurring event.  ...