Remote debugging Windows azure cloud service - Worker Role
Very recently I was working on design and development of a worker
role component of cloud service. Locally debugging worker role is pretty easy.
You just need to know that you need to set Cloud
project as a start-up project and ready to go.
Problem is when you deploy worker role to azure and trying
to troubleshoot an unknown issue. Thankfully
we have remote debugging enable for cloud services – both web and worker roles.
This is really handy tool to remotely debug without having to putting a lot of
tracing and digging into it. However, remote debugging in worker role/web role
requires few steps to be followed:
- Make sure you are debugging from same machine where you published
- Make sure to turn on Remote debugger on while you publish (This should be turned off for Production publish profiles)
- Make sure to Select Debug mode
- With all the above settings after you publish, you should be able to Attach Debugger as shown below picture
- For Worker role, you need to make sure to select WaWorkerHost.exe process. For Web role, you can select W3wp.exe
- Now the process should hit the break points in your code.
Happy Coding!!!